Story of a doctor

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away” may have been applicable in bygone days, but surely not today. An apple is not sufficient to keep the doctors at bay.


Dr Ashish Ghosh is a heart surgeon and as such has specialised in heart diseases, and any heart malfunction. It took him a number of years of extensive studies to achieve success in his degree in heart surgery. After qualifying he served in a government hospital as required. Thereafter he branched out on his own.

Dr Ghosh is attached to the Mission of Mercy Hospital and Medical Research Centre where he performs the most delicate heart operations. His day begins at 8.30 am when he arrives at the hospital. The matron on duty informs him about the number of operations that need to be performed, briefs him about the patients’ condition and their response to the prescribed medication.

After performing the first surgery, Dr Ghosh takes a round of the wards to check on his patients who are on the mend. He examines them checking out their temperature, pulse-rate and blood pressure and then gives the nurse further instructions on their diet and medicines. The patients enjoy a visit from Dr Ghosh as he has pleasing bedside manners and never fails to bring a smile to their faces.

From the wards Dr Ghosh makes it to the staff canteen where he has a cup of tea and a light snack. Then it is back to the Operating Theatre. Once again he goes through the procedure of operating on a heart problem or removing blockages from arteries. He is excellent in angiography and performing angioplasty surgery.

He is busiest on Tuesdays and Fridays when he performs at least four or five operations at the Mission of Mercy Hospital and Research Centre. At about 2.30 pm he leaves the Hospital to go home and have a meal. Sometimes the work load is such that he has no time for lunch.

After a short rest, Dr Ghosh gets ready to attend to his private patients; at one chamber from 4.00 pm to 7.00 pm, and at another from 7.30 pm to 10.00 pm. If there is an operation to perform, he does so in a private Nursing Home. At 10.30 pm he goes back to the Mission of Mercy Hospital to check on his patients for a second time. Rarely is it possible for Dr Ghosh to enjoy dinner with his family.

However, in the habit of retiring to his reading room after dinner, Dr Ghosh spends time catching up on medical sciences, or flipping through medical journals and magazines.


Doctors are not just experts in medicine; they are also friendly and caring. When we visit a doctor, they listen to our concerns and make us feel comfortable. They ask questions to understand how we feel, and they explain things in simple words so that we can understand too. Sometimes, just talking to a doctor can make us feel better.


Doctors also help us stay healthy by giving advice on how to prevent illnesses. They tell us to eat nutritious foods, exercise regularly, and get enough rest. They also recommend vaccines to protect us from certain diseases. Doctors are like teachers, guiding us on how to take care of ourselves.


In simple words, a doctor is someone who takes care of our health, helps us when we are sick, and teaches us how to stay well. They are like our health heroes, always ready to make us feel better and keep us smiling. So, the next time you visit a doctor, remember that they are here to help and care for you, just like a friend would.


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