The role of OPPOSITION in DEMOCRACY -2023


Opposition in democracy  are those  who are not in power or do not hold a majority of seats in a legislative body. They are the rivals or competitors to the party or parties in government. The political opposition plays a role in holding the government accountable, offering alternative policies, and participating in the democratic process.  These opposition parties or individuals play a crucial role in the functioning of a democratic system. Here are some key aspects of what is meant by “opposition” in democracy: SOME forms of rule cannot tolerate opposition, and root it out wherever it arises. Other forms not only tolerate it, but make room for it within the institutions of government. This feature of ‘internalised opposition’ has sometimes been taken as a mark of limited, as opposed to absolute government, and also as the mark of politics, as opposed to coercion. Democracy, as a political system, thrives on the principles of representation, accountability, and checks and balances. At the heart of this system lies the role of the opposition, which plays a pivotal and indispensable role in ensuring the vitality and integrity of a democratic society. In this essay, we will delve into the multifaceted role of opposition in a democracy, exploring how it serves as a watchdog, provides alternative viewpoints, fosters healthy debate, and safeguards the rights and interests of the citizenry.


It is hard to imagine the feature without extremely complex institutions and constitutional devices: it is one of the principal problems of political thought to discover what makes such opposition possible. The use of the term ‘opposition’, to denote forces within political institutions that resist the ruling officers or party, is comparatively recent. Although the term ‘opposition’ was used as far back as the eighteenth century to refer to a party or a caucus within an assembly, the suggestion of an established opposition is relatively new. It is now, however, quite normal to refer to a ‘loyal served by the opposition as by the government itself. Opposition parties often act as a counterbalance to the ruling party by demanding transparency in government affairs. They press for access to information, call for investigations into allegations of wrongdoing, and advocate for greater openness in decision-making processes. In doing so, they help maintain trust in democratic institutions.The ‘opposition’ in the modern British Parliament consists not merely of opposition parties or factions, but also of a ‘shadow formation’. The offices of government are imitated within the opposition, which thereby forms itself into a body prepared to substitute for all the occupants of those offices at any time. The opposition has its leader, its base organisation and committees, and usually responds to every move of the government with counterproposals, representing, in theory, what it would do if it were in office.

Even in countries with high levels of repression it is rare to find no trace of opposition. In single-party systems, the opposition may exist as an underground movement or an opposition may engage in armed struggle. Undue repression of the opposition often results in bloodshed and even change of government through violent means. In democratic systems, the opposition is officially permitted and recognised. Even the leader of opposition is given an honourable place in the system. In Britain, the position of the leader of Her Majesty’s opposition is formalised in statute and he or she has certain rights, such as the right of reply to prime ministerial broadcasts. In India, too, the opposition leader has been given certain rights and privileges on par with a cabinet minister if he/she commands the support of the required number of Parliament members. Democracy thrives on open and robust debate. The opposition’s presence in legislative bodies ensures that all perspectives are considered when crafting laws and policies. Constructive debates, where opposing views are heard and analyzed, lead to better-informed decisions and a more inclusive and equitable society.

The opposition’s active participation in the political process inspires civic engagement. When people see that there are meaningful alternatives and that their voices are heard through opposition parties, they are more likely to participate in elections and express their opinions on important issues. This contributes to a healthier democracy. The concept of opposition in the modern democratic state is closely connected with the idea of the political party. A political party is a more or less organised group of citizens who act together as a political unit, have distinctive aims and opinions on the leading political issues and problems in the state, and who, by acting together as a political unit, seek to obtain control of the government. The opposition comprises the party (or parties) out of the government at a given point of time. Why does democracy demand the existence of opposition?A hallmark of a well-functioning democracy is the peaceful transfer of power. The opposition’s acceptance of election results, even when they lose, sets an example of democratic maturity. This peaceful transition of power enhances political stability and ensures continuity in governance. An opposition party always looks for an opportunity to replace the party-in-government, and implement its own policies and programmes. As a result, it serves two purposes. One, the government of the day eschews being arbitrary in its actions and negligent of the interests of the people in general; on the other, the people of a democratic country are offered an alternative in governance of the country in their own interests. The opposition parties also enable men and women who think alike on public questions to unite in support of a common body of principles and policies and to work together to see that those principles and policies are adopted and implemented by the government. The opposition makes articulate the inarticulate desires of sections of the masses. This goes a long way in checking violence and political crimes which are, in reality, fatal for the healthy survival of democracy. Out of the innumerable problems which call for solution in a state, the opposition is expected to select those which are comparatively urgent, study them, think out solutions and present them to the people and to the government. And, thus, it acts as a ‘broker of ideas’ as Lowell says. It preserves a sense of continuity in public policy, organises and educates the electorate, and helps to carry on and necessitate regular elections. It also dramatises politics and keeps the nation politically alive. It keeps the government on its toes. The opposition, like the judiciary, is an agent for safeguarding the Constitution in case the government wittingly or unwittingly does something to violate it. The opposition also necessitates periodic interpretation, re-interpretation and amendment of the Constitution to suit changes in times. The opposition’s views are usually taken into consideration in legislating on socially-sensitive matters. The opposition has the capacity to instil in the government the confidence and ability to deal with national crises. Here, the opposition’s support means that the entire country is behind the government in the hour of crisis. Moreover, the opposition also gives credence and authenticity to measures of the government taken in the interest of the people and the State.  Opposition parties often champion social justice causes and represent marginalized or underrepresented groups. They advocate for policies that address inequality, discrimination, and social injustices. Their role in advocating for fairness and equity is essential for creating a more just society.The parties outside power extend support to certain measures as they cannot afford to be regarded as anti-people or anti-nation as they, too, have ultimately to face the praise or wrath of the public. Thus, the opposition does not always have to oppose the government. Sometimes, the parties in opposition oppose the government measures merely for the sake of opposition. This delays even the progressive steps of the government and results in waste of time, money and material. It also misleads the masses. Not infrequently, the leaders in opposition resort to demagogy which is harmful for the nation’s health. Howsoever politically ignorant the people may be, they do not easily forgive such irresponsible and delinquent behaviour on the part of an opposition party. The opposition plays a vital role in challenging and critiquing government policies that may have negative consequences for society. By offering dissenting perspectives and pointing out potential flaws or unintended consequences, the opposition can lead to more well-considered and balanced policies. This constructive criticism can lead to policy improvements and better outcomes for the people. public opinion, both national and international, and placing noconfidence motions against the government. In India, submitting a memorandum to the President is also a common practice. All these are commensurate with the democratic norms and contribute to the consolidation and stabilisation of democracy in the social and political system. An opposition that is obstructive in parliament, rushing to the well of the house in defiance of the speaker/chairperson, tearing up memoranda, shouting and holding up proceedings proves damaging to the spirit of democracy; besides, it holds up the progress of the nation. An opposition needs to behave responsibly even as it puts pressure on the ruling dispensation to accept its just demands.

Without a strong and active opposition, the democratic system can become unbalanced and prone to abuses of power. In essence, the opposition serves as a crucial pillar that upholds the democratic edifice, ensuring that the government remains accountable, responsive, and true to the principles of representation and popular sovereignty. As we continue to champion democracy as a beacon of governance worldwide, the role of the opposition remains vital to its success and endurance.If democracy has come to stay, it is not because it is the perfect form of self-government. Unlike dictatorship or totalitarian systems, it does not believe in self-evident principles.




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